Diversity, Equality and Inclusion

A Whole School Approach

At WHGS, we teach our students the importance of being kind, friendly, compassionate and respectful to everyone that they meet, irrespective of their faith, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, class or any other perceived differences.

We recognise that the personal development of learners, spiritually, morally, socially and culturally, plays a significant part in their ability to learn and achieve. We therefore aim to provide our learners with opportunities to explore and develop their own values and beliefs, spiritual awareness, high standards of personal behaviour, a positive, caring attitude towards other people, an understanding of their social and cultural traditions and an appreciation of the diversity and richness of these cultures. We are a very inclusive and diverse community with over 40 languages spoken and our school is truly representative of Manchester’s rich multi-cultural heritage. We welcome students and families from all backgrounds.

We are also committed to the promotion of British Values through our work on DEI. SMSC education is inextricably linked to our ethos and values. We define “British Values” to be: 

  • Democracy
  • The rule of law
  • Individual liberty
  • Mutual respect
  • Acceptance of those of different faiths and beliefs

The examples provided below – whilst by no means exhaustive – serve to demonstrate how DEI and British values permeate our curriculum, ethos and a wide range of leadership activities, along with our commitment to providing ample opportunities for our students to develop a strong moral foundation and a drive to make a positive impact in their local, wider and global community.

  • Code of Conduct which is regularly referred to and communicated with students, reiterating that we are a school community built on mutual respect, acceptance and understanding for all.
  • A broad and balanced curriculum which addresses core British values and the rich and diverse cultures in the school across a range of subject areas using a variety of texts and resources.
  • A Religious Studies and Ethics programme at every Key Stage, highlighting universal values that unite people from different backgrounds such as compassion, charity and kindness / friendliness.
  • A well-structured Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship education programme at each key stage.
  • Gateways Programmes in Years 7 to 11 and Year 11 careers guidance interviews enable pupils to reflect on their achievements and plan future pathways.
  • School policies focus on positive behaviour and praise rooted in the school's Respect Charter and the 5 Respects / virtues. 
  • Employing restorative approaches, where possible, to resolve any difficulties between members of our school community.
  • There is a special emphasis on charity work with many examples across the school and smaller teams of pupils running individual charity events. In 2021 the school supported Manchester South Central Food Bank with food donations from staff and students.
  • Form tutors are responsible for the social and personal development of pupils with a dedicated 100-minute PSHE lesson on SMSC topics each fortnight.
  • Form periods take place regularly with pupils receiving high quality pastoral care, guidance and support.
  • An extensive extra-curricular programme and the house system provide opportunities for students outside the curriculum to develop individual talents, contribute to the wider life of the school, and take on leadership roles.
  • We ensure that student rewards programmes offer rewards that are appropriate to those of all faiths and none.
  • We believe in high impact assemblies on British Values that represent and reflect the multi-cultural and diverse nature of the school community and wider society.

For example: keynote assembly

  • Remembrance Day "Contributions from home and abroad"
  • We engage with local and national initiatives designed to foster acceptance of all people and celebration of different cultures working closely with external partners.

For example: key national events

  • Anti-Bullying Week
  • Black History Month
  • LGBT History Month

For example: key partners

  • We Stand Together
  • Proud Trust
  • Kooth

For example: drop-down days

  • BAME 
  • LGBT 
  • Women and equality

Developing British Values: Behaviour

We aim to prevent the radicalisation of our students / staff by:

  • Celebrating diversity through our curricular and extra-curricular content.
  • Providing menu options to meet specific dietary requirements such as halal food.
  • Authorising absence appropriately for religious observance such as Eid celebrations.
  • Provide regular, high impact CPD for all staff on diversity, equality and inclusion each year.
  • Providing opportunities / facilities for personal prayer and reflection such as Friday prayers.
  • Providing opportunities / resources for celebrating different cultures through dress, dance, music and food
  • Providing a Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship education programme that celebrates diversity, challenges stereotypes and addresses issues such as discrimination and prejudice in society..
  • Responding rapidly, rigorously and appropriately to any reported incidents of discriminatory behaviour, adhering to LA reporting protocols, as required.
  • Having a school uniform which can be adapted to meet the requirements of religious dress codes such as headscarves and PE kit (tracksuit trousers are available for girls).
  • Providing Work Experience for all Year 10 pupils, which offers students the opportunity to explore career aspirations and raise expectations.
  • Ensuring the safer recruitment of our staff and ensure visitors are appropriately vetted and supervised whilst on site.
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