Key Stage 3 Overview
Our Key Stage 3 Curriculum delivers a secure understanding of a broad range of subjects. We aim to light the fire of intellectual curiosity and provide a base of knowledge that will serve students well no matter what their chosen pathway through education and life.
At Key Stage Three we offer:
English, Mathematics, Science, a Modern Foreign Language (French or Spanish), History, Geography, Religious Studies, PSHE, Art & Design, Music, Design Technology, Food Technology, Computing, PE and Drama.
Reading is recognised as foundation of all student progress. The aim of WHGS is to inculcate a love of reading in all students. We seek to provide them with the fundamental skills of decoding and inference. We seek to guide them on their selection of quality literature and nonfiction. We require students to become independent in their selection of what to read. We require students to develop the skills to think critically about what they are reading, in terms of content and style.
The breadth of our curriculum allows students to find and develop talents in subjects/activities that students may not have encountered before: drama, music, art, computing, PE and design technology. The opportunity to take those talents to the next level is integral to what we do. Our enrichment programme widens this offer even further.
Our careers guidance programme and support given throughout Key Stage 3 equips students to make the best choices of subjects to study through to Year 11 and beyond. These choices are informed by students’ aspirations and the guidance provided at WHGS.