
The purpose of the science curriculum is to develop children’s scientific understanding so they can be scientifically informed citizens and, if they wish, pursue careers in science or that require some scientific understanding. To be scientifically informed requires a broad knowledge of scientific ideas, an appreciation of how experimentation and observation develop this knowledge, and an ability to think rationally and analytically when applying this knowledge in new contexts.

Qualifications can be taken in GCSE Combined Science and also Triple Science (the Triology).  In the Sixth Form we offer A-Levels in Biology, Chemistry and Physics.




Students who wish to study courses such as medicine, dentistry, pharmacology, life sciences, environmental sciences and many others at university will find that A Level Biology is often specified as a required subject at A Level.


Whether you want a job in chemistry itself, dentistry, medicine, the pharmaceutical industry or finance, chemistry is the solid platform upon which careers are built.


Physicists explore the fundamental nature of almost everything we know of. They probe the furthest reaches of the earth to study the smallest pieces of matter. Join them to enter a world deep beneath the surface of normal human experience.

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